Aksys Games Virche Evermore -EpiC: Lycoris- Nintendo Switch

Side Story -Interlude- Various events within the main story, what-if stories, the men’s pasts, and other stories yet to be told. Side End -Encore- New, extended pathways created by the girl called “Death” and the men surrounding her. Virche de la ...

  • Marke: Aksys Games
  • EAN: 5060941717547
  • Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar

Preisspanne: 44,95€ - 79,97€*

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44,95 €* Versand: 4,90 € Gesamtpreis: 49,85 €*
Lieferbar: 1-3 Tage
Daten vom 2025-03-14
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51,25 €* Versand: 2,99 € Gesamtpreis: 54,24 €*
Lieferbar: 4-6 Tage
Daten vom 2025-03-14
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79,97 €* Kostenloser Versand
Lieferbar: 1-5 Tage
Daten vom 2025-03-14
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Side Story -Interlude- Various events within the main story, what-if stories, the men’s pasts, and other stories yet to be told. Side End -Encore- New, extended pathways created by the girl called “Death” and the men surrounding her. Virche de la coda -Émotion- Discover what future awaits these characters: Happiness? Promise? Eternal salvation? This mode includes epilogues for the Despair and Salvation endings of the original game. Tradition -Drifter- An untold story of the founder of the family that secretly guards the lycoris flowers, and how he changed the country's fate. Virche du Salut -Ankou- A new story of the Watchman of Death and the key he holds to the maiden of death's future. Side Story -Interlude- Various events within the main story, what-if stories, the men’s pasts, and other stories yet to be told. Side End -Encore- New, extended pathways created by the girl called “Death” and the men surrounding her. Virche de la coda -Émotion- Discover what future awaits these characters: Happiness? Promise? Eternal salvation? This mode includes epilogues for the Despair and Salvation endings of the original game. Tradition -Drifter- An untold story of the founder of the family that secretly guards the lycoris flowers, and how he changed the country's fate. Virche du Salut -Ankou- A new story of the Watchman of Death and the key he holds to the maiden of death's future. Side Story -Interlude- Various events within the main story, what-if stories, the men’s pasts, and other stories yet to be told. Side End -Encore- New, extended pathways created by the girl called “Death” and the men surrounding her. Virche de la coda -Émotion- Discover what future awaits these characters: Happiness? Promise? Eternal salvation? This mode includes epilogues for the Despair and Salvation endings of the original game. Tradition -Drifter- An untold story of the founder of the family that secretly guards the lycoris flowers, and how he changed the country's fate. Virche du Salut -Ankou- A new story of the Watchman of Death and the key he holds to the maiden of death's future. Side Story -Interlude- Various events within the main story, what-if stories, the men’s pasts, and other stories yet to be told. Side End -Encore- New, extended pathways created by the girl called “Death” and the men surrounding her. Virche de la coda -Émotion- Discover what future awaits these characters: Happiness? Promise? Eternal salvation? This mode includes epilogues for the Despair and Salvation endings of the original game. Tradition -Drifter- An untold story of the founder of the family that secretly guards the lycoris flowers, and how he changed the country's fate. Virche du Salut -Ankou- A new story of the Watchman of Death and the key he holds to the maiden of death's future. Side Story -Interlude- Various events within the main story, what-if stories, the men’s pasts, and other stories yet to be told. Side End -Encore- New, extended pathways created by the girl called “Death” and the men surrounding her. Virche de la coda -Émotion- Discover what future awaits these characters: Happiness? Promise? Eternal salvation? This mode includes epilogues for the Despair and Salvation endings of the original game. Tradition -Drifter- An untold story of the founder of the family that secretly guards the lycoris flowers, and how he changed the country's fate. Virche du Salut -Ankou- A new story of the Watchman of Death and the key he holds to the maiden of death's future. Side Story -Interlude- Various events within the main story, what-if stories, the men’s pasts, and other stories yet to be told. Side End -Encore- New, extended pathways created by the girl called “Death” and the men surrounding her. Virche de la coda -Émotion- Discover what future awaits these characters: Happiness? Promise? Eternal salvation? This mode includes epilogues for the Despair and Salvation endings of the original ...

Auf einer kleinen Insel namens Arpéchéle wachsen die schwarzen Blumen des Unglücks, Lycoris Noirge genannt. Die Bewohner dieses Landes werden mit einem Fluch geboren, der sie vor dem 23. Lebensjahr zum Tode verurteilt. Nach vielen Jahren der Forschung wurde eine Methode zur Verlängerung ihrer Lebensspanne durch Klonen ihrer Erinnerungen und Körper entwickelt. Diejenigen, die durch das System des Gedächtnisdownloads ewig leben, sind als „Reliver“ bekannt und widersetzen sich weiterhin ihrem kurzen Leben. Erleben Sie die neue Verzweiflung und Erlösung, die Ceres und ihre Freier in diesen fünf neuen Geschichten erwartet, die die Welt von Virche Evermore weiter erkunden. Nebengeschichte - Zwischenspiel Verschiedene Ereignisse innerhalb der Hauptgeschichte, Was-wäre-wenn-Geschichten, die Vergangenheit der Männer und andere noch zu erzählende Geschichten. Side End - Encore Neue, erweiterte Wege, die von dem Mädchen namens „Tod“ und den Männern um sie herum geschaffen werden. Virche de la coda - Émotion Entdecken Sie, welche Zukunft diese Figuren erwartet: Glück? Verheißung? Ewige Erlösung? Dieser Modus enthält Epiloge für die Endungen „Verzweiflung“ und „Erlösung“ des Originalspiels. Tradition - Drifter Die unerzählte Geschichte des Gründers der Familie, die heimlich die Lycorisblüten bewacht, und wie er das Schicksal des Landes veränderte. Virche du Salut - Ankou Eine neue Geschichte über den Wächter des Todes und den Schlüssel, den er zur Zukunft der Jungfrau des Todes ...
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