Barbie Dream Closet

This Barbie Dream Closet is packed with endless styles and stories kids can create for Barbie! Open the glittery pink wardrobe to reveal a 3-foot-wide playset with 2 clothing racks, 20+ storage spaces, a fold-down vanity with a pop-up mirror, full-length ...

  • Marke: Barbie
  • EAN: 0194735227396
  • Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar

Preisspanne: 50,00€ - 54,99€*

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Preis (inkl. MwSt.)
50,00 €* Versand: 4,99 € Gesamtpreis: 54,99 €*
Lieferbar: 1-3 Tage
Daten vom 2025-03-13
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54,99 €* Kostenloser Versand
Lieferbar: 5-8 Tage
Daten vom 2025-03-13
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This Barbie Dream Closet is packed with endless styles and stories kids can create for Barbie! Open the glittery pink wardrobe to reveal a 3-foot-wide playset with 2 clothing racks, 20+ storage spaces, a fold-down vanity with a pop-up mirror, full-length mirror, and shoe shelf. There's even a pillow for the pet puppy! Kids will love styling the included Barbie fashion doll with 25+ clothes and accessories like dresses, shoes, necklaces, and purses galore. Mix and match 3 complete looks for Barbie to dive into styling and storytelling play! Kids can help Barbie doll choose an outfit on the rack, style and accessorize at the mirror, then finish getting ready at the vanity before she heads out in style with her pet pup for the best day ever! For easy storage, all the pieces fit inside the closet with a pink Barbie handle for on-the-go fun. Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may ...

This Barbie Dream Closet is packed with endless styles and stories kids can create for Barbie! Open the glittery pink wardrobe to reveal a 3-foot-wide playset with 2 clothing racks, 20+ storage spaces, a fold-down vanity with a pop-up mirror, full-length mirror, and shoe shelf. There's even a pillow for the pet puppy! Kids will love styling the included Barbie fashion doll with 25+ clothes and accessories like dresses, shoes, necklaces, and purses galore. Mix and match 3 complete looks for Barbie to dive into styling and storytelling play! Kids can help Barbie doll choose an outfit on the rack, style and accessorize at the mirror, then finish getting ready at the vanity before she heads out in style with her pet pup for the best day ever! For easy storage, all the pieces fit inside the closet with a pink Barbie handle for on-the-go fun. Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may ...
Der glitzernde, rosa Kleiderschrank lässt sich zu einem knapp 1 m breiten Spielset öffnen, das eine Barbie-Modepuppe, mehr als 25 Teile, über 20 Aufbewahrungsorte, 2 Kleiderstangen, eine Schuhwand und mehr umfasst. Es gibt sogar einen Tisch zum Herunterklappen mit einem herzförmigen Klappspiegel, damit Kinder die Barbie-Puppe an ihrem Schminktisch fertig machen können. Ein Hündchen, das sich liebend gern auf dem Kissen ausruht, ist ebenfalls enthalten. Verschiedene Looks für die Barbie-Puppe lassen sich kombinieren, damit sie in trendiger Kleidung und Accessoires wie Kleidern, Schuhen, Halsketten, Handtaschen und mehr auftreten kann. Ab 3 ...
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*Preise können sich seit der letzten Aktualisierung erhöht haben. Alle Preise inkl. MwSt.