Waveshare LCD1602 RGB Modul, 16x2 LCD, RGB Backlight, 3.3V/5V, I2C

Incorporates character LCD panel LCD1602 Adjustable RGB backlight color, up to 16M (2563) backlight colors in theory I2C control interface, only two signal pins are required, saving the IO resource Compatible with 3.3V/5V operating voltage Comes with ...

  • Marke: Waveshare
  • EAN: 4060137069284
  • Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar
  • ASIN: B0919S36JY

Preisspanne: 15,40€ - 15,40€*

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Preis (inkl. MwSt.)
15,40 €* Versand: 4,95 € Gesamtpreis: 20,35 €*
Lieferbar: 2 Tage
Daten vom 2025-02-05
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Zum Shop
Incorporates character LCD panel LCD1602 Adjustable RGB backlight color, up to 16M (2563) backlight colors in theory I2C control interface, only two signal pins are required, saving the IO resource Compatible with 3.3V/5V operating voltage Comes with development resources and manual (Raspberry Pi/Jetson Nano/Arduino ...

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*Preise können sich seit der letzten Aktualisierung erhöht haben. Alle Preise inkl. MwSt.