Sonoff Zigbee USB Dongle

The CC2531 dongle is an extremely useful and functional USB device that acts as ZigBee coordinator. It serves as a kind of starting node to which you can connect other IEEE802 compliant devices. Just plug it into your computer or laptop with your Home ...

  • Marke: Sonoff
  • EAN: 4260633298090
  • Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar

Preisspanne: 7,90€ - 12,65€*

Billigster Preis


Preis (inkl. MwSt.)
7,90 €* Versand: 4,95 € Gesamtpreis: 12,85 €*
Lieferbar: 2 Tage
Daten vom 2025-02-22
Änderungen vorbehalten
Zum Shop
8,79 €* Versand: 3,95 € Gesamtpreis: 12,74 €*
Lieferbar: 1-5 Tage
Daten vom 2025-02-22
Änderungen vorbehalten
Zum Shop
12,65 €* Versand: 4,99 € Gesamtpreis: 17,64 €*
Lieferbar: 1-3 Tage
Daten vom 2025-02-22
Änderungen vorbehalten
Zum Shop
The CC2531 dongle is an extremely useful and functional USB device that acts as ZigBee coordinator. It serves as a kind of starting node to which you can connect other IEEE802 compliant devices. Just plug it into your computer or laptop with your Home Assistant and enjoy a friendly user interface - the gateway also has the CC2531ZNP-Prod software loaded, which allows you to use the ZigBee2MQTT ...

The CC2531 dongle is an extremely useful and functional USB device that acts as ZigBee coordinator. It serves as a kind of starting node to which you can connect other IEEE802 compliant devices. Just plug it into your computer or laptop with your Home Assistant and enjoy a friendly user interface - the gateway also has the CC2531ZNP-Prod software loaded, which allows you to use the ZigBee2MQTT ...
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*Preise können sich seit der letzten Aktualisierung erhöht haben. Alle Preise inkl. MwSt.