Philips Accessories ledinaire panel rc065z integrated driver 60x60

The Ledinaire range contains a selection of popular off-the-shelf LED luminaires that comes with the high Philips quality levels at a competitive price. Reliable, energy efficient and affordable - just what you need. ...

  • Marke: Philips
  • EAN: 8710163362724
  • Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar

Preisspanne: 30,09€ - 30,09€*

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Preis (inkl. MwSt.)
30,09 €* Versand: 4,99 € Gesamtpreis: 35,08 €*
Lieferbar: 2-4 Tage
Daten vom 2025-02-02
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The Ledinaire range contains a selection of popular off-the-shelf LED luminaires that comes with the high Philips quality levels at a competitive price. Reliable, energy efficient and affordable - just what you ...

The Ledinaire range contains a selection of popular off-the-shelf LED luminaires that comes with the high Philips quality levels at a competitive price. Reliable, energy efficient and affordable - just what you ...
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*Preise können sich seit der letzten Aktualisierung erhöht haben. Alle Preise inkl. MwSt.